'Twas The Orgy Before Christmas (Part One)

Photo of 'Twas The Orgy Before Christmas (Part One)
terbernt Manny brick hard and fucked hard core is A+++++ Jun 9, 2024
Lar58Fitz85 I know this scene is over 2 years old but I came back to it for Rico and Bandit together. It's clear Rico loves Bandits dick and Bandit loves fucking around with and straight up fucking Rico. When Rico tells him he has good dick and smiles then Bandit looks him in his eyes and smiles back is top tier sexy! Detroit After Dark Revisited would be 🔥🔥🔥🔥! Since Rico is doing scenes again please give him and Bandit one more sexy one on one scene in 2024! Let Rico put it on Bandit on some real sensual yet thug nasty at the same time type time! Hope you see this Mike, Montez and Shax.✌🏽 Jan 19, 2024
b1noboi1 Glad to see Staxx getting fucked again. If I had my way he would be in a scene with Dominic, and Justice. All three take turns bottoming, with a surprise double penetration by either Dom or Justice. Sep 17, 2023
HottBlkQT Good, for starters, but is there an odd number requirement for these X-Mas orgies or something? If they're not going to daisy-chain, then wouldn't an even number be better? 6 guys would be interesting (add someone like Blake or Apollo), but 4 guys would be easier to keep track of & record (like the previous X-Mas vid). Bandit & Manny always work well together, & it was nice to see Rico & Staxx return for this. IDK how k9 would fit in, but he did pretty well, for the 1st orgy I've seen him in. Jul 12, 2023
unitedguy18 Staxx the one w/ the most booty there if we being honest Apr 10, 2023
emiliano69 The Christmas scenes are always 🔥🔥🔥. I wasn't sure how k9 fit in with the upper class but that stroke and that curve fit right in. I hope the tops take some dick in part 2, especially k9 and I want to see Manny fuck Rico. Mar 28, 2023
emiliano69 Bandit gotta like something about men. At least the way it feels or something. He definitely makes it seem like he be having a good time. Mar 28, 2023
emiliano69 Ok Staxx! Turn the party out. Mar 28, 2023
Dangerboy These Christmas Specials have become legendary! Many thanks making it happen. So good to see old faces, and other parts😂. 🔥 Feb 27, 2023
DjbiATL Scene was lit. Replace Rico P with Jahan and re-make. Would break the internet 💯🔥🔥 Feb 21, 2023
Johnyy Staxx Never say Never Feb 19, 2023
Phuryous Seeing some of the earliest comments, they must lack joy in their life and are destined to be completely unsatisfied and frustrated because there was something for everyone here. If you called it boring or just talked about who you don't like, you're at the point where you have consumed too much porn and need something a lot nastier to tickle your pickle. Everyone brought their A-game and almost no one was off limits. K-9 stepped his game up and finally sucked dick on camera and it looked like he really enjoyed it. Staxx and Rico are holding down the urban porn scene as a reliable top and a reliable bottom, respectively. They showed why they have the MVP status in this scene. Glad to see Manny back and he took a thorough dicking from some of BBA's biggest dicks. About to watch part 2 right now because it looks like the tops will be the bottoms and I always like watching tops get taken down because verse flip/flop is my fav porn. Feb 15, 2023
24markus This is so damn hot i must be dreaming. But please dont wake my ass up, lol, bc i aint got to Part 2. Feb 2, 2023
applesauce Great New Years treat. Glad to see Manny back better than ever. I really like K9, especially in his first scenes where he was natural and unshaved. Hot stuff!! Jan 24, 2023
cbnation07 the way manny moaned and the look on his face to embrace that nut.... that made my dick beyond hard..... staxx look hella good. and what can i say about bandit.. he's always my top 3. Jan 23, 2023
terbernt Damn I want Manny in more videos. So underappreciated. Jan 15, 2023
jerome9 Staxx was the only reason I signed back up. Jan 14, 2023
glsfz6 Staxx is back and needs to stay! he is so sexy Jan 12, 2023
sixthcense loved watching Rico take all that penis great performance. Jan 7, 2023
Lionboy8 All i kno is k9 and Rico need to make a scene Jan 6, 2023
tassain54 Staxx is a Ten Plus Flawless Body perfect Ass. The whole cast was on point. Jan 6, 2023
Verdade Can I ask the subscribers? Do you like to watch the interviews? To get to know the guys? I like to watch the guys getting naked. To watch their dicks go from soft to hard. Is it the voyeur in me? Do you guys like the foreplay...and the guys going from soft to hard? I just love that. Great stuff. Even when the chemistry may be a little off. Don't you like to watch the guys get naked and watch their dicks get hard? Just asking the subscribers? Thanks guys. Jan 3, 2023
Verdade Man, you brought Rico Pruitt back!!!! I thought he was doing his own thing in other venues never to come back again. Gosh Mike and Montez. I love Manny, Justice ,Ross and Isaiah so much. They are my go to guys. Please let them know. I love Sax,K9, all the newbies... but Manny,Ross,Justice , Blake and Isaiah....they are so much a part of BBA. They just satisfy completely....Do you think you can get Freaky J. back.? Man, please forward this email to Manny, Justice,Ross,Blake and Isaiah.. Love you guys so very much. Thanks Mike and Montez. Jan 3, 2023
Docteur Michael you are right it was done in KIDS THESE DAYS, but I need it from peeps that are the rough and ready bruthas like Bandit, Ross, K9, JuJu, Isaiah or Maleek, Rush, Deontrey and Stylez. Hope it can happen in 2023. Still no response about Scotty and Shaun - hmmm Happy New Year Michael Jan 3, 2023
badizm66 best scene ever , chemistry was on point, so glad to see staxx back, hope to see more of his beautiful masculinity Jan 2, 2023
Docteur Happy New Year. Although I like many other was disappointed at the longer than usual gap between a part 1 to a part 2, based on the explanation given, it is understandable. I do hope that in part 2 Bandit sucks K9, as he sucked everyone else and K9 certainly sucked him. Hopefully one day you will get a train going with a caboose, i.e. someone fucking and that person fucking is getting fucked. It has been slightly attempted twice both times by Blake Bishop entering Stylez while he was in Apollo (first time) and Isaiah (second time). Back to the Xmas scene, it was beyond fire!!!! To you Michael, when will you answer as to whether certain people are locked up, found religion, got outted and will not come back, deceased or just simply lost touch with them? Will we ever see the much ballyhooed return of Scotty and Shaun? Or Maleek, Rush and Deontrey? Jan 2, 2023
MichaelGalletta Wow, your recollection of past "caboose" attempts is impressive. I need to hire you as an official BBA Historian lol. After filming over 500 scenes, things tend to blur together and it's hard to remember those kinds of details. Didn't we attempt it in "Kids These Days" too? Can't remember if that actually made the final edit or not. But I'd definitely love to attempt that again, although it's always easier said than done.

I know I've been promising this forever, but I hope to launch a new "Where Are They Now" series over on Twitter soon, and I'll probably post those updates here in the site comments as well. Thanks for your patience, and thanks again for the enthusiastic feedback to this scene!
knightrider That kiss between Bandit and Staxx did it for me. The passion was real. Jan 2, 2023
11luvme2u @MichaelGalletta Thanks for the response and updating us. I can't wait for BBA 2023!! I hope to see more returns such as Trapp, Dominic, Saint, Scotty, and Kavii. Jan 1, 2023
romack767 I was so glad to see Staxx I love Staxx I heard him tell Manny he been wanting that. Bandit needs a reality check. He has an attraction to guys which is not a bad thing to make the sacrifices he's made he gave us all of himself. That was not easy for a straight man I love him for it. It's no longer for the money which he has earned every cent. I love him regardless he's number 1 and I am in love with Staxx so glad to have him back. Awesome scene. Since you all are responding back wat's up with Shaun and Scotty and Dominic have they retired? Loved the scene Jan 1, 2023
MichaelGalletta Thanks for the positive feedback and insightful reflections about Bandit.

After knowing and working with him now for nearly 7 years, my take on Bandit's current sexuality is that he's a bisexual man who still prefers to identify as straight, if that makes sense lol. Apart from his BBA work, he lives his life as a straight man with multiple girlfriends and BM's, devoted to smoking weed and caring for his FIVE kids, etc. I've never seen any indication that he pursues or engages in same-sex encounters apart from his BBA scenes. In fact, other models have tried in the past, and he's always rebuffed their attempts.

But clearly that rock-hard baseball bat of a dick betrays an attraction and enjoyment of sex with men that his chosen social identity label doesn't reflect. Watching this scene for at least the fifth time last night, I found myself shaking my head in amazement at just how far Bandit has come to be so comfortable and engaged and even jovial in a setting like this. Even something like sucking the same slobber-soaked dick that another model was just sucking seconds earlier is something he would have refused to do, or only done with a reluctant, grumbling attitude, as recently as a couple years ago. Another BBA Seduction Success Story! 😈🏆

As far as the other guys you asked about, I plan to launch my new "Where Are They Now" series over on Twitter in the next several weeks, and I'll probably post those updates here in the site comments as well.
MichaelGalletta Just returned from visiting family over the holidays and finally all caught up on the entertaining and encouraging feedback to Part 1 of this year's epic Christmas scene. I'm thrilled to see that most of you loved this every bit as much as I did.

This was everything I could have asked for and more. From K9 slobbering on dick for the very first time, to Staxx and Bandit passionately kissing, to the cute and intense chemistry between K9 and Rico, this is jam-packed with so many wonderful, endlessly entertaining moments I will never forget.

I honestly couldn't be any prouder of the amazing work from Shax, Montez, and every single one of the guys. Even more impressive considering Shax edited it all together on an accelerated schedule. Even though it's humbling for me to admit it, this is probably the BEST Christmas scene BBA has ever produced. I told both Shax and Montez in my feedback to the first draft: THAT'S how you answer your critics and close out the year on a high note!

For those who might have missed our earlier announcements or Montez's reply in the comments under this scene, Part 2 will be released this upcoming Thursday, 1/5, kicking off our first batch of updates for the New Year. We'll also be posting our traditional Top Ten lists over on Twitter soon, as well as our annual "Best of 2022" Viewer Polls.

From me and the rest of the BBA Family, HAPPY NEW YEAR! And thank you for your inspiring passion and loyal support throughout the years. Can't wait to see what exciting adventures and surprises are in store for BBA in 2023!
Jan 1, 2023
Smyrna37 Part 2 please the wait is too long knowing we are getting more!!! Jan 1, 2023
luv4blk Bummer was expecting Part 2 to be released on new years eve or new years day at least Now it won't be released until 1/5 Dec 31, 2022
supreme I agree with both Montez comments about the chemistry and standout performance of the new guy in his first man on man group activity./ This is a three nutt*** production Dec 31, 2022
11luvme2u This is just constructive criticism not complaining. But next year for a Christmas scene please consider not having a two week gap that goes almost a week into the new year. That's a long time to wait especially for a scene with returning performers of this caliber. Dec 31, 2022
MichaelGalletta I know this schedule isn't ideal, but it really couldn't be helped. Originally it was only going to be one update, but as our plans started to take shape and we realized just how much action-packed footage we had on hand, we knew it was going to require a Part 2. But by that point we'd already set the schedule and everyone on the BBA team had other personal travel/family commitments for the holiday week.
504james great scene now where is part 2? Dec 31, 2022
ef8432 I usually don’t care for scenes with more than 3ppl but I liked this one.

I thought Manny had retired or stop dealing with BBA so welcome back!

I assumed Bandit was going to pick Manny neck to lick. Also the head from both Rico & Manny had Bandit ready to cum.

We need another Bandit / Manny scene & Bandit / Rico. He can act like he ain’t feeling them all he wants Chile
Dec 31, 2022
MichaelGalletta That last sentence!!! 🤣🤣🤣

I was cracking up when I heard that BS from Bandit too. But of course that rock-hard dick betrays him every damn time lol.
davids I'm afraid I have to disagree with coolrod. K9 did his thing in this scene. That dude's stroke game was on point. He had my boy Rico tapping out and Bandit looking like it was bigger than he expected. This Christmas scene is perfect. I'm looking forward to part two. I'm excited to see Staxx giving up the booty because he don't give those cakes up quickly. Dec 31, 2022
MichaelGalletta Thanks for the encouraging feedback! I'll admit I was skeptical of K9 after his initial scenes, but he really rose to the challenge and showed some true star potential here. In fact, seeing him slobber and choke on FOUR hard dicks after stubbornly refusing to put his mouth anywhere near a dick last time around, was one of the many nutt-draining highlights of this epic scene for me.

I'm excited to see Staxx finally giving up those thick, juicy cakes too. I don't believe he's bent over on camera since his now iconic take-down over SEVEN years ago!!! Another BBA exclusive, just for y'all. I already know it's gonna make me bust before I'm finished with the scene. 🤷‍♂️😅
blacky1 Michael, Montez Shax please one day give us a show down old school model vs new school models 5on5 Dec 31, 2022
MichaelGalletta I don't know about a 5 on 5....not trying to go bankrupt here lol....but an Old School vs. New School Showdown definitely sounds like fun and I'll keep it in mind. Thanks!
zebrasex4567 The chemistry alone with everyone should put this in the top 10 BBA scenes of all time. I was surprised at how into K9 I was when he was with Rico. Something about him being with more cute innocent looking guys is SUPER hot. Dec 31, 2022
Montez There was definitely a palpable chemistry between K9 & Rico. Rico said several times that K9 had "some good ass boyfriend dick".
johncar Can't wait for part 2 Dec 31, 2022
Wblackstudstud I hope someone has their socks off in Part 2 Dec 30, 2022
chauncey A fun vid from start to finish -- It was great to get a dose of the personalities of each performer -- no two are alike!!!! - Also It is great to see Bandit, and Manny Killa running with some of the "Big Dawgs" in the "Game" -- each held his own for sure -- I mean Bandit has already earned a spot in the annals of BBA history -- and Manny Killa is always a pleasure to watch perform with his fine ass self -- However, what I really enjoyed the most was seeing 5 men who have been around long enough to know how to go ol' school and get "jiggy" with each other.
Us OG's live for and even dream about getting caught up in some thug shit -- I mean some over-the-top crazy shit -- I mean just being, or getting "Bitched Out" and this vid rose to that level - BBA you went "Hard" in this vid for sure -- with a capital "H" and I love it -- A new watermark for BBA scenes in general -- Personally, I'm built for the more romantic scenes you orchestrate between models such as Apollo and his scene mates -- But this scene morphed into some "Big Boy" shit. -- Where you pull out all the stops / let the Dawgs run loose -- let shit get way out of control which works for me as well as the more romantic stuff -- Waiting with bated breath for Part II -- I want more, more, more -- I especially want to see what happens to Bandit and Staxx in Part II -- Especially Staxx with that nice "phat" booty on him. You know in the real world It is a crime for dudes like Staxx to be walking around with all that luscious, booty and not using it to further the development of the planet or sharing it with dudes like me - lol - Well we need to change that / lol -- After all, Montez,& Shax you did leave us with a bit of a "teaser" an old fashion cliff hanger if you will. So now we all want to see what is going to actually happen -- Also on another note -- I think Staxx is kind of feeling Bandit - I can see those wheels turning inside Staxx's head when he looks directly at Bandit -- What Staxx is thinking shows on his face and in his eyes he really can't hide what he is thinking. Now, this is just a hunch but I think Staxx is cooking up a Part 3 between himself and Bandit / lol / I would love to be a "fly on the wall" if, when, or where that goes down -- that would be a hot scene because these are two verse men which always makes for an interesting encounter because things can be totally unpredictable. And if I were Bandit no joke I would just go with the flow you feel me - Now that is just an observation coming from a man who is all the way gay - My "Gaydar" is picking up those signals, especially from Staxx -- Staxx gives off that Dennis Rodman vibe and Bandit is that willing participant who just wants to have a good time -- And I love that s__t. Now back at the ranch -- We will see what Part II brings as far as thrills, adventure, and mischief I can't wait --
I'm all in -- So far I give this series 5 Nutts and counting -- BBA please continue to keep bringing the real in 2023!!! -- From your resident Pcycho-Analist I will be tuning in by appointment -- In closing -- Happy New Year to all the BBA'ers out there in the BBA-Verse -- It's BBA 4Ever - Long Live BBA !!! - I rest my case !!!!!!!!!
Dec 30, 2022
Montez Thank you for the long, enthusiastic review. There are so many good, hot moments in this scene and I couldn't wait until everyone else saw it. I am thrilled that the wide majority are enjoying it as much as I thought they would.
maybelater Wait, that was K9 first time sucking dick? Well I can tell he been wanting to, because he sucked the hell out of everyone of those dicks. I don't think he wanted to ✋️ stop. 😂😁 Dec 30, 2022
shoeman59 An okay scene. I guess because I'm not a Manny,Rico fan I'm sorry they just don't cut it for me.k9 needs to take dick to see how it feels,since he has everybody screaming from his dick. Bandit,I can never get enough of seeing him. Is Trapp,Dominic coming back anytime soon,I hope so! Dec 30, 2022
Coolrod K9 added nothing to the scene! He needs to get with the program n give up dat bussy or move on! Dec 30, 2022
Montez I strongly disagree. His first time sucking dick and the chemistry and interaction with Rico. Both these things added to this scene. As a matter of fact I'd say they were standouts.
ken1jim today is friday and no part 2. this is not as good. what is going on? the scenes are no longer as before. i have stuck with you in support. now support us with better models not the girly ones anymore. thank you Dec 30, 2022
Montez Michael has already announced in previous comments what the update schedule would be during the holiday weeks. I would also suggest following our Twitter (@BBAddictionz) for information/announcements.

Part 2 will be released on 1/5.
Coolrod Now this is what Im talking about!! Nice scene! Dec 30, 2022
terbernt And last I'll say is Wow Manny you are beautiful. The part where Staxx is topping Manny and Manny says I'm gonna cum was excellent culmination, revealing Manny being as hard as possible. Sorry I kind of neglected you Manny in years prior, you are every bit a BBA Prince. Well done. Dec 29, 2022
androgyny757 When will part 2 post? Dec 29, 2022
lucian5555 Part 1 was great! Nice to see Rico back with BBA. Can't wait for part 2. Dec 29, 2022
3606tsb72 Love the guys but more slowly-paced dick shots are required; the guys wear sexy underwear but their jutting dicks weren't shown/dang; the interior is fabulous but the guys are the point; get rid of 60% percent of the long- and wide-shots; group- or two-man-showers are required; if they pissed in the toilet show it; there were no cum scenes; the ass-shots were great - and they aren't my forte...lol. Maybe Pt. 2 will rectify my concerns which, of course, should be yours. Grade B. Dec 29, 2022
MichaelGalletta Thanks for the hilariously blunt and predictably phallocentric feedback lol. Good to know you're still....you. No surprise that I disagree. I absolutely LOVED the wide angle shots where you could see all of the action taking place at the same time. Those sections were my favorites and really conveyed the spontaneous, real-time orgy vibe we wanted for this scene.
Nastynut WOW!!! So I’ma start by saying this IMO is my new #1 video on BBA hands down no questions asked!!! There’s sooo much to unpack in this scene starting with the lineup. There is someone for everybody y’all had our tops (BANDIT=The Top), our bottoms, a power bottom & a submissive top that will also bottom next scene and the top! So fire! Then the foreplay is phenomenal! Classic truth or dare & the amount of spice, no one including the models could take! They cut that short & instantly got to the sucking & fucking & I was right there with them bcuz I was hot & bothered ATP ready to bust! Rico & Bandit gave me such realistic vibes bcuz in the beginning they sat close to one another but acted like they ain’t never pounded each other out which I thought was hot bcuz in real life that’s how I am with most of my DLS in public so that was cute but once they started interacting they couldn’t keep their hands off one another. Rico was so ready to get fucked by bandit after he ate him out. His hole was open & wet asffff I wanted him to sit on it right then & there. But they started the ass eating train & I was in AWE 😍💦😋. So many beautiful, phat, black asses & holes & when Staxx told K9 to arch his back & he spread that ass in the air like that, I was rockkkk solid & ready to bust! They handled Manny & he is such a good sport bcuz he took ALL of those dicks & everybody said it was tight & looked like it was super wet & warm. Literally everyone in this scene was a vibe & I’m usually NOT a fan of Rico but even he was a humble freak this go round. I can’t thank y’all enough for this BBA y’all did perfect & exceeded the mark forget hitting it y’all home run, slam dunk & touchdown all the above!! This cast was such a vibe! Great job Shax & Montez this is IMO again y’all’s besttttt & from the ending PART TWO is even BETTER giving us the tops we wanna see with those phat asses a chance to finally bottom & I busted to that clip at the end alone! Idk how i forgot to mention that while the fucking was going on Bandit started hollering out in a cute jealous playful way “ain’t nobody eat my booty, my booty still dry” & kept repeating it til K9 caught wind & ate it a little but when Staxx told him to sit on his face, he ate it the way Bandit had been yearning for the entire scene. That turned me on so much. This seemed like it could be anyone’s everyday life & that’s what I thought was hot. It was acting but also a full out orgy!! More scenes like this pleaseee. I can’t wait for part two. Idk how it can top this but then again….Staxx & Bandit will bottom in part two & that is what I was waiting for in one but one was perfect soooooo yeah I’m out. Let me go watch this scene again on my lil 65 inch 4K 😍 I know the neighbors know y’all name way y’all be screaming, scratching, yelling lol I play my shit loud & clear while i smokes one. Y’all be blessed, & unleash part two neowwww please 🙏🏾 Dec 29, 2022
MichaelGalletta I'm thrilled to hear that you loved this as much as you did, and hopefully it's helped to restore your wavering faith in BBA. This is why I don't let the occasional flops or dry spells rattle me like they used to. Because I know they're never due to any lack of trying on our part, and unforgettable instant classics like this one are always just an update or two away. 😜

Oh, yeah, tell your neighbors I said hello. 🙋‍♂️😂
Kingmi20 when I tell you I busted a nutt just watching the preview of staxx getting fucked with that phat ass bouncing smh lolol phew!!! Dec 29, 2022
dcbound2001 Niceeeee. But Bandit can’t admit to what he finds attractive in a man after all this time? That dick was hard before any action took place. 😩 Dec 28, 2022
Montez I am going to have to agree with you on this one. Hell, in our Q&A he admitted to liking Manny's deep-throating skills.
dlking93 Where do i start lol
1. Omg Manny and Rico! 🤤
2. Bandit is so sexy everyone looked good tbh
3. I completely watched the whole thing literally I usually skip but I couldn't deny anyone in this one
4. Staxx got a phat ass booty omg he needed to get smashed
5. I loved the kissing everyone seemed into each other I think Bandit couldn't wait to smash Rico n Manny but my god staxx tht booty lmao can't wait for part 2
6. Hope everyone is safe and doing great happy holiday!
Dec 28, 2022
MichaelGalletta Thanks for the funny and encouraging comment. Hearing that you watched every second is the greatest compliment you could have possibly given us. Happy Holidays/New Year to you as well!
blacky1 BBA happy holidays wish all of you the best new year ever Dec 28, 2022
MichaelGalletta Thanks, and same to you!
Kevinjamal Boring ... Where is Stallion, juju,Isaiah, Apollo Dec 28, 2022
Montez Sorry, but defining this scene as boring is just absolutely nuts. There is nothing boring about this one.
DizzyD I like this scene a lot!! It’s spontaneous and has some intense freaky moments!! My one gripe is the constant ringing of the jingle bells!! They were driving me bonkers … but awesome job in my opinion Dec 27, 2022
MichaelGalletta I noticed that too and had to turn my volume down a few times lol. But I found it more funny than anything, and in keeping with the holiday theme. Sounded like one of those Salvation Army Santas standing on the corner every time Manny was going to town on a dick. 😂
bkwilliam This was 🔥🔥🔥; thank you. I can’t wait til Part Two!!!! K9 needs to take some dick and it would be completely complete!!!!! Dec 27, 2022
Dualex Not a fan of Bandit, Manny, Rico. The only 2 I can bear. I shall pass on another disappointing update. Why the hell are we paying to watch Staxx and Rico. These are seasoned performers for goodness sakes. Dec 27, 2022
pchsof2010 Drop part 2 ASAP. What’s the hold up? Dec 27, 2022
Meatlover The last several films were absolutely abysmal but this film came right on time cause I was ready to throw in the towel with this site. This is the BBA I love. Everyone participating with foreplay, like sucking dick, everyone being actively into one another and it was truly HOT. I can’t wait to see what Part 2 looks like. I hope the majority of films from BBA will look like this in 2023. Y’all still got IT!

Oh and it was GREAT seeing K9 FINALLY suck dick in this. I hope this continues in future films of his!
Dec 27, 2022
MichaelGalletta I've noticed that porn fans are a lot like sports fans. There are the die-hard fans who remain loyal to their teams no matter what, and then there are the fickle fans ready to bail on their teams and fire the coaches after a couple bad games lol. That being said, I'm glad this renewed your faith in the BBA brand. 😉

I agree with you about the passion and chemistry being what makes this scene stand out from the rest. We've done plenty of gay4pay group scenes over the years, and they can be fun to watch but a nightmare to film lol. As much as we still love our gay4pay guys, we wanted to try something different and THIS right here is what you get when the guys are genuinely in lust with each other. It's thrilling to watch and probably the best group scene we've ever filmed. Thanks for the positive feedback!
kylejj11 BBA Christmas special is looking good this year. Wasn't sure what to expect but part one is certainly putting the guys thru their paces. Great the guys keep their socks on - so hot. Maybe we can see guys wearing their socks a lot more in scenes. Rico is definitely the star of part one and takes it in more ways than one for the team. More Rico please. Has to be said but missed Apollo and that hot ass not to mention his sparkling personality. As good as Rico was would have been great to see Apollo taking it. Everyone has their go to Christmas scene mine would include Apollo Isaiah Dominic and Jahan Ace. Is Apollo back soon? its been over 6 months since we last saw him at BBA . Feels like an Apollo drought lol. bring him back soon....Looking forward to part two. Thanks BBA for a worthy addition for the yuletide season. Dec 27, 2022
MichaelGalletta We tried to include Apollo but unfortunately his schedule didn't cooperate this year. But as much as he's missed, I think you'll agree this unique crew makes it easy not to notice his absence, with some of the hottest group action we've ever captured on camera. 😈💦
Drack000 We could have done without K9. Dec 26, 2022
loydstar Great scene!!! Glad to see some of the old crew back!!! Dec 26, 2022
csghysw12 Great scene with these group of men Dec 26, 2022
blacbarbie31 This!! Felt like classic BBA! Love! Love! Loved it! Can’t wait for part two!!! Dec 26, 2022
maybelater Two in a row! Great recovery 👍 this was a great scene. I've watched 4 or 5 times completely. No over acting, just a group brothers fucking and sucking, most of all enjoying it...kudos Dec 26, 2022
MichaelGalletta Thanks! I need to catch up with you and watch this a few more times myself before Part 2 comes out. It's the kind of scene where there's so much going on, you can notice something new and exciting and hot every time.
syeone Rico, I Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec 26, 2022
syeone Excellent Video!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec 26, 2022
Mufflink23 When is part 2 coming? Dec 26, 2022
williamnasty300 I'm not into orgy scenes but this one was pretty hot! Dec 26, 2022
DJhardD When is part two coming? Dec 26, 2022
jp294j Honestly, Manny is played out, much like Scuba, I’m ok with never seeing him again on the site. And K9 is ugly. Like “yuck” ugly. Bandit is king of the site, but I was surprised to see Rico, I thought he didn’t like BBA? Staxx needs to bottom. That’s an amazing ass and it’s so rare we get to see it put to good use. Dec 26, 2022
MrBigStuff Finally, Something that lives up to BBA’s Past excellence. This was one of the BESSSSTTT scenes I have seen in the past 2 Years. BRAVO!!! Dec 25, 2022
chucke1 Twas The Orgy Before Christmas should be changed to "half Twas The Orgy Before Christmas" LOL Dec 25, 2022
11luvme2u The actual sexual intercourse was very good in this scene. I just don't like K9 calling the scene partners "Bitch". But besides that this was great. I'm looking forward to part 2. Dec 25, 2022
smhard03 Wow. Well - this was the Christmas gift we were all waiting for. Well done! Missing Apollo tho!!! But Staxx and Rico!!!! *Chefs Kiss Dec 25, 2022
prettyboig Wow… that was 🔥🔥 K9 & Rico’s chemistry was unmatched. 10’s across the board 🔟🔟🔟🔟🔟 Dec 25, 2022
in2mymind09 Can we get a scene with just bandit and Rico because the chemistry is insane!! Rico had bandit on brick and I doubt that needed editing Dec 25, 2022
ChocolateLuver69 Best Video y'all made in a while 😀 Dec 24, 2022
kennyg Truly a season to be jolly!!!!!! Glad to see the return of Manny and Staxx. K9 showing his hidden talent and boy is he talented. Come on part 2 Dec 24, 2022
Seekingbootee K9 and Staxx remind me of JahanX and Stallion. JahanX and Staxx like Xs and their butts have become so juicy and thick. Dec 24, 2022
turner95 I haven’t even watched it yet . And I’m already amazed !! YES for the comeback of staxx, manny killa, and pretty Rico …. And bandit the in-house legend smh . This should be good Dec 24, 2022
bottom6522 Staxx got a fat ass can’t wait to see him take bandits dick Dec 24, 2022
Clinteastwood220 Love it can’t wait for part 2😍😍😍😍😍🤤 Dec 24, 2022
cam656914 Excellent! BBA is on the road to recovery! Dec 24, 2022
maxkev59 Nice mix of brothas in this one BBA. Porn stars, gay4pay, bi, etc. and a good teaser for Part 2 at the end. 👍🏽👍🏽 Dec 24, 2022
smokey1984 🔥🔥🔥 Now, this is what BBA is known for. Keep it right there!!! Dec 24, 2022
TennesseeBator Another winning scene. I would have never in a million years imagined putting this group of guys together at all. But, Shax and Montez made this work completely well. I love seeing the blasts from the past back on BBA so I hope that’s a theme you all continue to explore in 2023 and build upon it. I cannot wait to see Part 2 and this is how you successfully end a year, props to all the kings in this scene. Dec 24, 2022
MrBrown19942 My baby Staxx?! OMG. This is a beautiful surprise! Lol. Thank you, BBA. Dec 24, 2022
knicks420 I need part 2 NOW!!! Dec 24, 2022
BLOOP Staxx need to be getting slut fucked by all members for this to beat the Isaiah Christmas scene. Dec 24, 2022
LemanR1980 This was flashback Friday addition. I didn't think Staxx & Rico were coming back. This was a pleasant surprise like with last year's Christmas special with Deontrey. OBTW, Manny Killa & Staxx scene was everything. The way Staxx was fucking him was mesmerizing. Dec 24, 2022
MichaelGalletta Glad you enjoyed it! And I agree with you about Staxx fucking Manny. When working out the plans for this shoot, Staxx told me that's something he's been wanting to do for YEARS, and it totally shows in the very best possible way. Like an excited little kid on Christmas morning. 😁
chucke1 Wait a minute, "Christmas scene will be released on Christmas Eve" so part 2 is today as well? You didn't say 1/2 of Christmas scene! GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!! Dec 24, 2022
MichaelGalletta Of course you'd be the Scrooge who complains about an action-packed *69-MINUTE LONG* scene not being long or complete enough. And you wonder why it's hard to take you seriously sometimes. 🙄🤦‍♂️

Many of our past Christmas scenes have been split into two or more updates, especially when they're large group scenes like this one. This isn't anything surprising or new.
smitechris94 If this was ONLY part one. Im super excited for part two!
Great work Mike!
Dec 24, 2022
RobbySan29 Why are they all wearing socks?? 😐😐 wtf is this Michael? Dec 24, 2022
MichaelGalletta The guys don't wear socks in 99.9999% of our scenes. This was a special exception in keeping with the festive Christmas costumes and overall holiday theme. And just as you have an obsessive fetish for bare feet and toe-sucking, some of our customers have a sock fetish. It's only fair for us to mix it up from time to time.
chucke1 When oh when is Part Two? Dec 24, 2022
Docteur All I can say is I hope to see Bandit suck K9's dick in part 2. Michael. Montez and Shax, this is one of the best BBA flicks ever! Seeing K9 suck everyone's dick claiming when he was doing Manny Killa's dick that it was his first time ever sucking a dick- well he sucked them all. Seeing Bandit kiss everyone, seeing him suck Rico Pruitt. I see in part 2 Staxx and Bandit are going to bottom, it remains to be seen if K9 will, but Bandit taking that extra long curved dick of K9 - wow!!!!! Please don't make us wait forever for part 2. Bravo for a grand slam home run. Dec 24, 2022
MichaelGalletta Thanks for the rave review! You can be a tough (but fair) critic at times, so that means a lot coming from you.

K9 sucking MULTIPLE dicks after stubbornly refusing to let a dick anywhere near his cocky virgin mouth last time around, was definitely a highlight of this scene for me as well. 😈💦
Readyruk1 Wow, I'm only 10 minutes into this video and I'm giving it 10's across the board. Now back to the action!! Dec 24, 2022
FreakTeach 1000% wanted to see Staxx bottom again but in a different setting. The whole orgy thing doesn't allow me to focus like I want on him because it's too much going on. Orgies aren't good for those kinds of moments imo. Staxx definitely should've had a video focused on him and a partner. Hopefully yall have him back! Dec 24, 2022
MichaelGalletta That's a fair and understandable critique. Sorry to disappoint you. But our thinking was that we've already seen Staxx get "taken down" in a one-on-one setting when he made his legendary BBA debut back in 2015, and if we were going to pay the Big Bucks to bring him back, we wanted to see him take things to a new and more challenging level. 😈
getdickhoe This should have been a free Christmas Gift. I give this video 5 Ready Made - Trash emojis 🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑. Dec 24, 2022
MichaelGalletta I swear some people just thrive on nastiness and negativity. If you don't like any of the models, that's understandable. If you were hoping for something different, that's fair too. But simply calling this "trash" is just rude and ridiculous for no reason. This is one of the hottest scenes we've ever produced and I'm proud to share it with our customers.

I know it's probably bad business to give up on any customer, but seriously, you've been bitching about 99% of our scenes for at least two years now, so I'm scratching my head as to why you're still hanging around if you truly hate our content so much??? 🤔🙄
drakegay4real I never knew my patiently waiting for a Staxx return would pay off but MERRY FCKN XMAS to me😁😁😁...I haven't even watched yet and I already know I'm bout ta bust multiple times to this...keep it up Mike🙌🏿💯🙌🏿 Dec 24, 2022
Bttm4ever Nice Christmas gift to us, nice to see Manny and Staxx. hope they hang around Dec 24, 2022
ktatwcc20 This was a dope ass scene. It look like Manny and Rico was enjoying all that dick that was thrown at them. Everybody was vibing. We need scenes like this. Dec 24, 2022
terbernt For some reason when Bandit or Manny are in a video I tend to pay more attention to dialogue too. Just love both of them. Good decision on this one. Dec 24, 2022
terbernt Manny and Bandit back, I'm already happy! Dec 24, 2022
rm9322 Wowww I loved every second Dec 24, 2022
mrwhitley1 Release part 2 already!

It’s very evil to make people wait for the part 2 of any video!

Also why can’t y’all stay focused!!!
All the comments asked for K9 to fuck Bandit…
& Y’all drag it past the finale.

Why tf don’t y’all listen to the PPL?!?!?
It’s so good seeing Manny & Staxx!
Bandit & K9 need a go 1 on 1!!!!!!!
Rico still bad af!!!!
This was a very nice surprise.
Release part 2 on Christmas tf!
Dec 24, 2022
bigfanwow 5 guys and no hole shown. Zero. Even had them rim but showed next to nothing. Dec 24, 2022
haughtona2 The BEST X-Mas scene of 2022!! Yassssssss!!!!🥵🥵😍😍🥺🙏🏾🙏🏾🗣 Dec 24, 2022
ScorpioJay97 One of the hottest orgies I've ever seen. Everyone is attractive, they all had great chemistry and were all passionate with each other!!! Can't wait for part 2 😈💕🔥🤤😍 Dec 24, 2022
blemcityarie Bandit and Rico need another scene together their chemistry is 🔥🔥🔥 Dec 24, 2022
brianhpotter05 This is a very random group. And Rico…just say no baby. Dec 24, 2022
MichaelGalletta Random, most definitely lol. Arguably our most random and unexpected casting ever. But it WORKS. And better than anything we could have even hoped or expected.
A123 This scene was good. It was very nice to see Manny, Rico, and Staxx again, and of course it is always a treat see Bandit. It was also nice to see more of Bandit’s silly personality. It seems as if they all were truly enjoying themselves. Well done. Dec 24, 2022
davids I love this scene. It is so good to see some of the guys that have not been around for a while. Staxx looks excellent, and his ass is nice and fat. Great cast combination. I'm looking forward to part 2. Dec 24, 2022
misterblack All I can say is this surpassed the wildest expectations I had for this year's BBA Christmas. It was great to see the returns of Manny, Rico, Staxx, and after a few months off, one of my new favorites, K9 and his curved magnificence. Bandit is as sexy as ever. Highlights for me were Bandit and Manny reunited; Manny's groans & moans of ecstasy; Rico's squeals of delight; and K9 embracing the art of fellatio. I was glad to see him shed the grill, but horrified to see the loss of his glorious ass hair & bush. I'm going to have to go Spike Lee on him: "Baby, baby please! Grow it back!!!" Doffed hats to Shax and Montez. The directing and production were outstanding and this was the best orgy ever. Merry Christmas to the entire BBA family. I'm looking forward to the wonders BBA has to offer in the New Year. Dec 23, 2022
MichaelGalletta Happy Holidays/New Year to you as well! Thanks for all of your entertaining and encouraging reviews this past year that have kept us smiling even through some tough times. Glad you enjoyed this one and trust me, we're determined to DO BETTER when it comes to combating this depressing trend of everyone shaving off their pubes.
Deathking2011 Bandit lowkey a clown. He was so funny. I’m glad he’s getting used to being in these scenes. I got done at the point he was say ain’t nobody tryna eat my booty lol. Dec 23, 2022

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Bandit and K9 were stirring, with Special Guests all throughout.

The models were hung, treating each other with care,
When things got spicy, with a little game of Truth or Dare.

The models were naked, all snuggled on the couch,
With visions of tasting, and turning each other out....


Christmas is the perfect time for reuniting with family and friends we haven't seen in awhile, and the BBA Family is no exception!

Join our #1 model Bandit as he returns to host another epic BBA Christmas Party whose surprise participants include a slim and sexy fan favorite we haven't seen in action since before the pandemic; two of the most iconic and popular special guests we've ever featured on the site, making their unexpected returns; and one of our promising newbies, stepping out of his comfort zone this time around.

It's not anything most would predict, request, or expect. But trust me when I say it's incredibly HOT and full of endless fun and surprises. Definitely unlike any of our previous Christmas scenes, and so action-packed we couldn't fit it all into one scene. The edited version of Part One alone is well over a FULL HOUR long!

And we're just getting started! Stay tuned to the very end of this scene for a special sneak peek at what we have in store for Part Two!

Categories: Ass-Eating, Behind The Scenes, Big Dick, Black-Only, Director: Shax Carter, First Times, Gay/Bisexual, Holiday Theme, Raw/Bareback, Special Guest, Threesome/Group Sex
Details: Dec 23, 2022 69 min
Photo of Bandit
Photo of K9
Photo of Manny Killa
Manny Killa
Photo of Rico Pruitt
Rico Pruitt
Photo of Staxx

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